Colin Owen

Hi, I’m Colin Owen and I produce and present my own show on Friday lunchtime between 12-2pm.
I have until recently presented “ The Buzz” on WFM with Colleague Chris Paul.
I have been a Board Member of Wythenshawe FM of the for the past seven years and on behalf of the Board I am responsible for Scheduling and Content.
From 1981 -1997, I used to be part of the “Torchlight” and “Who Cares?” Teams at BBC Radio Manchester, this included Co presenting, the show with Lorraine Worsley-Carter and driving the desk for other programmes such as Late Night Line.
In my teens and twenties you will also find me DJing at local clubs and functions in Wythenshawe and beyond. I even DJ’d at Discotheque Royale.
During Lockdown I had the pleasure of Producing Susie Mathis show “ That Friday Feeling” which was a fantastic experience.
I enjoy presenting my Friday lunchtime show when I hope to start the weekend with some light hearted fun and great music and interaction.
Other times you will find me filling in for other presenters when they are unavailable.